As an engineering firm, PE Square is concerned with applying scientific knowledge, mathematics and ingenuity to develop cost effective solutions for technical problems in the housing industry. As Engineers, we design materials, wood structures and systems while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, safety and cost. Over the years, our vision has been to implement technology to model, draw, and design projects that use a value engineering approach and produce competitive structural packages.
What We Do
- Texas Department of Insurance Windstorm Inspections and Certifications
- Structural Engineering
- Foundation Engineering
- Pre-pour Inspections
- Framing Design and Inspections
- Windows & Doors Inspections
- REScheck Certificates
- PE Sealed Letters
- Special Structures
- CMU Construction
- Steel Construction
- Engineering for Signage
- Patio Cover Engineering
- Energy Code Inspection
- Re-roof Inspections
- Retaining Walls
Industries We Serve
- Custom Home Builders
- Commercial Builders
- Architects and Designers
- Production Builders